When looking for a job these days, it’s common to either be asked about your background or be informed that your potential employer may run a background check on you if you’re to be considered for the job. There are various state and federal regulations in place that are supposed to prevent any sort of
Free $5 Uber Discounts For Lexington Residents On St. Patrick’s Day
St. Patrick’s Day is a day synonymous with green clothes, green food, green beer, bagpipes, kilts, and four leaf clovers. Unfortunately, St. Patrick’s Day is also associated with…DUIs. St. Patrick’s Day is considered the fourth largest drinking holiday in the US (just behind New Year’s Eve, Christmas Day, and the 4th of July). Beer sales
When Are DUI Checkpoints Legal In Kentucky?
DUI checkpoints (also referred to as roadblocks or mobile checkpoints) are police traffic stops that are not tied to specific or individual suspicions. Officers use checkpoints to check for intoxication and impairment in an effort to prevent drunk driving accidents. Checkpoints are only temporary and the locations for checkpoints are selected at random. Checkpoints can
50 Kentucky DUI Facts & Tips to Avoid a DUI
Baldani DUI Facts FAQs Contact a Lexington DUI Defense Lawyer Today In Kentucky, driving under the influence (DUI) of drugs or alcohol is considered a serious criminal offense. Although most first-time DUIs are charged as misdemeanor (less serious) crimes, if convicted, a person will still face serious penalties. This may include between 48 and 30