A DUI conviction will stay on your record in Kentucky until it is order expunged by the court. Even a dismissed DUI case or arrest will stay on your record indefinitely. That is why it is important to expunge any DUI record as soon as it is eligible. DUIs can prevent you from getting jobs
Baldani Law Group Blog
Bevin urges lawmakers to allow some felonies to be expunged
Reprinted from Kentucky.com: http://www.kentucky.com/news/local/article53335615.html BY ADAM BEAM, Associated Press Rebecca Collett was addicted to drugs and spent nearly two years in prison, but after she got clean, she says she could not find a job, a place to live or even get accepted into college. Her felony conviction scared away opportunities because of the legal liabilities
Defending the Haddens: Why This is Important to All Americans
In May of 2008, William Jerry Hadden and his son Jamey Hadden — owners of two Cardinal Valley apartment complexes — were charged with harboring 60 illegal immigrants in KY and “encouraging” them to stay in the United States. The federal government was using the harboring law in such a way as to twist its
The Good Guys Win: Not Guilty!
This week the team at Baldani Law Group scored a huge victory in the case of Commonwealth vs. Beasley. Our client — a whip-smart college student — was involved in a tragic accident in 2011 where his best friend was killed after he had lost control of his car. There was no sign of intoxication
Interesting Idea for DUI Checkpoints
So I came across an interesting idea that someone has for DUI checkpoints. At these checkpoints, officers will ask you to roll down the window and get your license, registration, and insurance, and ask you if you’ve been drinking. Really what they do are trying to assess if you’re drunk, if they can smell marijuana,