A hit and run accident involves a situation where a driver hits another vehicle, an object, or even a person, and then leaves the scene. In a hit and run, the driver does not contact law enforcement and does not give aid to anyone who is injured. Leaving the scene of an accident is a
Baldani Law Group Blog
Should I Talk to Law Enforcement if I am Innocent?
The Case Against Innocent People Talking to the Police Imagine playing a game in which the stakes of the game are extremely high. Losing the game could result in loss of your job, rights, freedom, or ultimately your life. You’ve never played the game before. The only rule you’re given is how to stop the
State Prisons Running Out of Jail Space in 2019: What Can We Do?
Across the United States, prison populations are declining. Yet here in Kentucky, our prison population is growing. For the past three years, Kentucky has ended the year with the highest prison population in the state’s history. According to a study by the Vera Institute, between 2008 to 2018, there was an 11.2 percent increase in
What is Constructive Possession in Drug Cases?
There are certain situations when you expect to be charged with drug possession — such as if you had drugs in your possession (like a baggie with meth in your pocket). But what if you were stopped by the police for a traffic violation, and the officers saw that same baggie in the front seat
Three Things to Know If You Are Facing a Complaint Against Your Nursing License in Kentucky
A license to practice is vital to a nurse in Kentucky. You don’t even have to be convicted of a crime to face potential reprimand, probation, suspension or revocation of your license. A minor DUI charge could lead to hours of classes and rehabilitation, or even losing your license. This is why if you are